
论语言理解的超认知策略及培养 被引量:5

Toward the Metacognitive Strategies in Language Comprehension and Their Developmental Instruction
摘要 在影响语言理解的诸多因素中,理解者所使用的语言理解策略起着重要的作用。超认知语言理解策略是理解策略中的最高体系,对整个语言理解策略系统有着调节和监控的作用。因此,如何培养语言学习者的超认知理解策略,越来越引起语言研究者和教育者的关注。根据语言理解的超认知策略对教学的启示,教学设计可分为认知选择、认知习得、认知建构和综合认知几个步骤。 Of the many factors influencing second languagecomprehension, comprehension strategies employed by the comprehender play an important part. With its major functions of regulating and monitoring, metacognitive strategy is the highest level of the strategic system. Therefore, increasingattention is paid to metacognative strategies in language comprehension by language researchers and educators. Inspired by the teaching implications drawn from metacognative strategies in langauge comprehension, I try to design the teaching procedures, from cognitive perspective, as cognitive selection, cognitive acquisition, congnitive construction and comprehensive cognition.
作者 马莉
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第5期92-96,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 超认知策略 语言理解 监控 metacognitive strategies language comprehension monitoring
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