西方的“幽默”艺术与中国传统的“谐谑”技艺极为相似。《诗经》的幽默主要体现在下面几方面 :一是通过漫画式的描写 ,突出刻画被嘲弄者形象的某种缺点或特征 ,使其显得滑稽可笑 ,形成性格性幽默 ,如《豳风·狼跋》 ;二是具有幽默性格的人 ,往往对人生持乐观态度 ,常爱以谐辞谑语进行调侃、打趣 ,寻求快乐 ,由此 ,往往会产生出一种情景幽默与喜剧性效应 ,如《郑风》的《山有扶苏》、《狡童》、《褰裳》等。这两种幽默 ,遵循“谐而不谑”的规范 ,无伤大雅。此外还有一种讽刺性幽默 ,即微笑地玩弄世间荒谬事物的讽刺 ,它以辛辣的嘲讽 ,去揭示事物的可笑、愚蠢、荒谬与卑劣 ,在笑声中达到批判的目的 ,如《邶风·新台》、《陈风·株林》。应当说 ,在某些情况下 ,讽刺性幽默的运用 ,使人们在笑声中不仅揭露出事物丑恶的本质 ,同时在批判的过程中在精神上也获得了一定程度的满足感与愉悦感 ,因而也更有趣味。
The Western art of humor bears a striking likeness to the Chinese traditional skill of banter.The humor in the Book of Poetry can be described as follows:First,it highlights the faults of the object of ridicule by means of sarcastic description,so they look ridiculous.This is called the humor in style,such as the humor in Binfeng Langba.Second,the people with a humorous character is optimistic about his life,who likes to deride others with a view to seeking pleasure,such as the humor in Shanyou Fushu?Jiaotong?Qianshang in Zhengfeng.These two kinds of humor follow the principle of 'Making joke of sb without making him feel embarassed'.So they aren't serious.Besides these two kinds of humor,there is sarcastic humor,that is to say,people satirize the absurdities of things smilingly.It reveals the ridiculousness,foolishness,absurdities and baseness with bitter irony,and criticizes them with laughs,such as the humor in Beifeng Xingtai?Chenfeng Zhulin.So to speak,the use of sarcastic humor in some cases,contributes not only to reveal the nature of ugliness,but also to obtain a feeling of satisfaction and joyfulness,so the orks of literature are full of taste.
Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
humor in character
humor derived from situation
sarcastic humor