考察秦人的发展史 ,多与农业文明有关 ,尤其在早期都邑的构建上最为突出。秦自非子发迹到二世亡国为止 ,先后建立过秦、犬丘、氵开、氵开渭之会、平阳、雍、泾阳、栎阳和咸阳 ,总计 9处都邑。其中秦与犬丘是公元前 890年——公元前 76 2年之间建立的两处最早的都邑 ,具体在今甘肃省东南部的渭水流域和西汉水流域 ,这里土地肥沃水草丰美 ,是中国旱作农业的发祥地之一 ,自新石器时代以来就一直是先民们繁衍生息的聚居区。秦人以此为中心建立都邑 ,发展农业经济和畜牧经济 ,为早期的生存与壮大提供了可靠的物质保障 。
Reviewing phylogeny of the Chinist, we should find that it is mostly related with agricultural civilization, especially in the early phase of constructing their Cities. The Chinist have constructed nine cities totally from Feizi to the second emperor of Chin, of which named as Chin,Quanqiou,Qian,City between Qian and Wei,Pingyang,Yong,Jingyang,Yueyang and Xianyang. Chin and Quanqiou were the earliest cities among them which must have been constructed from 890 B.C. to 762 B.C., located in today's Wei river valley and west Han river valley of southeast Gansu province. This area had fat soil, lush grass and abundant rainfalls, being one cradle of Chinese dry farming and the resident area in which our ancestor lived and developed from Neo-Stone Age. The people of Chin built up their cities round this area, developed their farming and pasturage, which provided them enough material resources for existing and developing in early stage, succeeding in protecting the Chouwenwang to move country's capital to eastern area by the Chinranggong, and for the Chinwengong entering central china successfully.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography