明清时期太湖地区蚕丝业是由中心区不断向外扩展的。明末天启年间 ,本地区蚕丝业出现第一次影响较大、持续时间较长的扩展 ,清代晚期 ,其蚕丝业的扩展又表现出新的特征。本文分三个阶段考察了本区域明清两代蚕丝业的分布状况 ,展现了这一扩展变迁的轨迹。同时从自然条件、经营蚕丝业的经济收益。
During the Ming and Qing Dynasty, the distribution of silkworm industry in the Taihu Lake area did not keep balanced. It had been spreading from one center to the rest of the area. During the late Ming Dynasty, in the Tian Qi (天启) Period, the silkworm industry spread at the first time, lasting a long time and with a great influence. During the late Qing Dynaty, the silkworm industry spread with a new features. This article studies the distribution of the silkworm industry under three periods in this area, reappeares the trace of the spreading and change. The article also discusses the reason and influence of the distribution and change under the land productivity, as well as the income and history of silkworm industry in this area.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography