历史时期塔里木盆地的水系发生了明显的变化 ,前期水系变化最剧烈的地区主要分布在昆仑山北麓地带和塔里木河下游地区。后期变化剧烈的地方主要分布在塔里木盆地的北部地带。本文从塔里木河水系的演化过程入手 ,在分析塔里木河水系变化各种因素的基础上 ,认为整个塔里木盆地水系变化的主要因素分为两段论。在清乾隆以前 ,水资源调控的主因为自然环境本身的变化 ;而清乾隆年间以后 ,水资源调控的主因变成了人类活动的本身。
The river system of the Tarim Basin had taken place great changes during the historical period. And the acutest changes of the area mainly lay in the northern slop of the Kunlun Mountain and the lower of Tarim river during early period, and in the north of the Tarim Basin during late period. Beginning with the evolution process of the river system of Tarim river, the paper analysed the various factors leading to the changes to the river system, and concluded the two-stage theory on manipulating process of river system of the Tarim Basin. The conclusion was that before the Qianlong Emperor of Qing dynasty, the main reason of manipulating process was the changes of natural environment, while, after the period, the main reason was human's activities.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
国家重点基础研究项目 G19990 4 35 0 2的阶段成果