楼花是指正在开发建设尚未取得产权但已具备一定条件的商品房。在楼花按揭的实践中应设立三种法律关系使三方当事人相互制约。楼花按揭的标的是楼花。楼花之所以能被抵押是因为它是由购房人的部分所有权与房地产开发商的工作及其工作成果所构成。楼花按揭的法律性质应被看作是能够即时物化的权利的抵押。对楼花按揭中可能出现的风险 ,国家、房地产开发商及购房人可从自身情况出发制定相关措施予以防范。
Louhua' refers to the marketable house which is being built and has not the property right.Loan on this kind of house should set up three legal relationships to interact each other.The article analses the possible risks which could show up on loan on housing purchase and giver some advice on drawing up prevention measures.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators