金融票证本身没有价值 ,盗窃金融票证行为不构成犯罪。不明知是枪支、弹药而盗窃但事后藏匿的 ,应以盗窃罪和私藏枪支、弹药罪数罪并罚。明知是假币而盗窃嗣后继续持有的 ,不构成盗窃罪 ,而构成非法持有假币罪。
Financial warrant itself has no value,therefore to steal Financial warrant is not crime. After one has stolen gun and ammo, he keeps hiding them, then, his actions are both theft and holding gun and ammo unlawfully. To steal false currency is not crime, but if he keeps holding false currency, he will be accused of the crime of holding false currency unlawfully.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators