During the process of abolishing the unequal treaties with foreign powers in China, the Chimese Communist Party carried out persist and unremitting struggles. In the peiod of the Great Revolution period, the Party took the abrogation of unequal treaties as its basic aim and connotation of opposing imperialism, opening a new stage of abrogating unequal treaties and opposing imperialism. In the last stage of the Great Revolution, the Party changed its anti - imperialist guideline into cleaning out the imperialist forces to the core, to which the abolishing of unequal treaties was subjected. The Party adjusted the guideline of abrogating unequal treaties and opposing imperialism after the Wayaobao Conference, and played an indelible and substantial role in the basic realization of abrogating unequal treaties in the anti - Japanese War. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, the Party again independently led the struggles against the unequal treaties, ridding up the rudimental treaty privileges, and finally smashed up the fetters and chains of the unequal treaties that had been imposed upon the Chinese nation for more than one hundred years.
CPC History Studies