司法独立来源于西方近三百年政治革命和文化发展的结晶 ,是现代司法的核心理念。中国传统司法向来司法行政合一 ,司法权既无法获得独立 ,也没有必要的权威。近代已降 ,面对西方的冲击 ,在清末新政改革中 ,传统司法按照西方司法独立的制度框架开始了艰难的近代转型 ,这一转型成为民国时期法律变迁和司法改革的主脉。本文立足于对司法独立在近代中国的历史发展进程的全面考察 ,认为近代中国在对司法独立进行价值追求的过程中 ,逐渐抽空其内在的生命 ,转而崇拜其外在的空壳 ,并将这个空壳视为真实的存在 ,以便于使其依归于中国的现实 ,实现其一种本土化的选择目标———从理想到现实的转换、从价值理念到工具理念的嬗变。
Being the corn idea of the judicial system ,judiciary independence is the theme of the three hundred years' political revolution in the western country.In the Chinese traditional legal system,the local governments shoulder the judicial business,the jurisdiction can't attain independence and authority.In the modern time,with the beginning of the reform in late Qing Dynasty,the traditional judicature begins its complicated transformation under the impact of western civilization.And this transformation is the theme of law development and judicial reform in the Republican China.Form a historicial review of the judiciary independence in Modern China,the author draws the conclusion that the reform in the modern time is gradually charged form the interior to the exterior ,form ideality to realism,this is a kind of choice which has local adaption in mind.
China Legal Science