
论现代主流经济学中的“凯恩斯复兴” 被引量:2

On Resurrection of Keynesianism in the Mainstream Economics
摘要 “不确定性”、“非完全理性”和“非瓦尔拉市场均衡分析”这三大凯恩斯经济学的“基本元素”,由于近两年的诺贝尔经济学奖得主的显性张扬,已经对近30年来居经济学主流地位的“新古典主义”构成了严峻的理论挑战。该文依据经济学思想演变的理论和历史逻辑,对现代经济学思想的这种前沿发展进行了分析,得出现代经济学范式中的“凯恩斯元素”将在主流经济学体系中“复兴”的理论判断。现代主流经济学的这种理论变动趋势,对于未来我国经济学的理论建设和实际经济发展具有重大意义。 Under the promotion of the Nobel Prize laureates of these two years, the three fundamental elements in Keynes' Economics: Uncertainty, Non-complete Rationality, and Non-Walrasian Market Equilibrium Analysis, have severely challenge the neo-classicism that has been the mainstream in economics for the past three decades. Based on the theoretical and historical logic of the evolution of economic thought, this paper analyzes the frontier development of modern economic thought, and comes to the conclusion that the Keynes' elements in modern economic paradigm will resurrect in the mainstream economics. This trend of theoretical changes in mainstream economics has profound significance for the construction of economics and the practice of economic developments in China.
出处 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期92-98,共7页 Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科规划项目(01BJL028) 中山大学社会科学重大项目阶段性成果之一 是作者关于"新兴凯恩斯动态经济学"(Neo Keynes Dynamic Economics)研究的系列论文之一
关键词 现代经济学 凯恩斯元素 信息经济学 行为心理学 “凯恩斯复兴” modern economics Keynes' elements information economics behavioral psychology
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