今年 5 .1前后 ,在防非典的间隙 ,本刊编辑吕文江与山东大学三位法律系的师生 ,对法律方法问题 (主要涉及法律方法的定义、法律方法与职业法律思维的关系、法律的确定性与法律方法的关系以及研究法律方法的姿态 )进行了对话式讨论。该讨论是关于“法治与法律方法”的对话 (刊登在《法学》2 0 0 3年第 5期 )的继续 ,我们试图消解独白式研究的孤独 ,从而使问题的研究在思想碰撞中得到深化。
During the period of preventing SARS on about the first of May this year, the vice-chief editor of our journal, Lv Wen Jiang discussed on the subject of legal method with three teachers and students from Shan Dong University, which relates to the concept of legal method, the relation of legal method and professional legal thinking, the relation of legal determinacy and legal method, and its attitude to research on legal method. The dialogue has followed the previous one on the subject of “rule of law and legal method'. We try to abandon traditional monologue research to deepen the research in the contradiction among different points of view. We hope more participants of the dialogue with assistance of such scholars who are interested in the topic.
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Legal method , Legal determinacy ,Rule of law.