彩色等离子体显示板 (PDP)是 2 0世纪 90年代中期开始量产的新型平板显示器件。由于它工作在全数字化模式 ,易于制成大屏幕显示 ,是数字化彩电、高清晰度电视和多媒体终端理想的显示器件 ,在 10 2~ 153cm范围内具有极强的竞争力 ,是CRT更新换代的产品。目前PDP面临的两个关键技术问题 ,一是发光效率不高 ,二是生产成本高。
Colour plasma display panel(PDP)is an ideal displaying device due to its digitalized mode,easy to make large screen displaying.It has a strong power in competition with other displaying devices at 102~153cm,it will be an alternative to CRT.The paper describes some methods for improving its luminescent efficiency and the way to lower its price.
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