在介绍Omron公司C系列PLC的DeviceNet总线系统的基础上,以屏清洗流水线为控制对象,建立了DeviceNet主、从单元构成的通信网络,利用OMRONDevviceNet Configurator软件配置网络参数并下载到主单元中,实现了单台可编程序控制器对流水线中54个节点的实时通信控制,节省了大量布线费用。
DeviceNet Bus of Omron's C series was introduced in the paper. The assembly line for CRT cleaning
controlled by the communication network consisting of master and slave DeviceNet units, which parameters are set by
Omron DeviceNet Configurator and download them to master Device Net unit, was presented. A PLC can communicate
with fifty four. nodes in this assembly line and a great deal of expenses in wiring is saved.
Low Voltage Apparatus