用 35tEAF LF喂Si Ca丝 VD 水平连铸工艺试生产了Φ130mm 12Cr2MoWVTiB (10 2 )高压锅炉用钢圆管坯。通过控制钢中Ti含量 0 11%~ 0 16 % ,V 0 30 %~ 0 4 0 % ,B加入量≤ 0 0 0 6 % ,并采用控制精炼后钢水温度 16 4 0℃ (± 5℃ ) ,减小结晶器锥度 ,启铸速度为 0 8m/min ,拉坯速度 2 3~ 2 5m/min ,反推量为 3 0~ 4 5mm ,成功生产出 10炉 32 8tΦ130mm的 10 2钢圆管坯 ,其高低倍组织和表面质量均符合标准要求。
The Φ130 mm round billet of 12Cr2MoWVTiB (102) steel for tube of high pressure boiler has been pilot-produced by 35 t EAF - LF feeding SiCa wire - VD - HCC process. With controlling Ti content 0.11%~0.16%, V 0.30%~0.40% in steel and added B no more than 0.006%, refined liquid steel temperature being 1 640 ℃ (±5 ℃), decreasing taper of mould, beginning casting speed 0.8 m/min, casting speed 2.3~2.5 m/min and back-pushing 3.0~4.5 mm, 10 heats 328 t Φ130 mm round billet of 102 steel have been produced, of which the micro- and macro-structure and surface quality met to the requirements of standard.
Special Steel