Stable and unstable sets for nonlinear hyperbolic equations of higher order
通过构造稳定和不稳定集 ,证明了方程 utt- [a0 + na1| ux| n-2 ux]uxx- a2 uxxtt=0的初边值问题整体解的存在和爆破性 .
By constructing so-called stable set and unstable set,the global existence and blowing-up property of solutions are discussed to the initial boundary value problem for the equationu(tt)-[a0+na1|ux|^(n-2)ux]u(xx)-a2u(xxtt)=0.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
nonlinear hyperbolic equation
stable and unstable sets
global soution
blow up of solution
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