针对火电厂锅炉主汽温被控对象的大迟延、模型不确定性 ,设计了模糊 (Fuzzy)自整定PID参数的Smith预估主汽温控制系统。运用MATLAB对系统在多种工况下进行了仿真 ,结果表明所设计的控制系统在稳定性、快速性、准确性、鲁棒性方面明显优于常规的Smith预估控制系统 ;由于该控制方案有很强的适应能力 ,所以适用于缺乏精确数学模型且参数变化的大迟延工业过程。
In order to overcome the large delay and the uncertainty of the main-stream temperature object in fossil-fired power station, a control system based on Fuzzy Self-tuning PID Smith Controller is proposed. Through simulation in various situations using MATLAB, it is validated that the stabilization, speediness,nicety and robustness of this control system apparently are superiors to general Smith predicting control system. Owing to the good fitness of this control method, it can be used in large delay industry process of uncertain model and variational parameters.
Computer Simulation