美国国家安全战略的调整已是近几年来国际上最热门的话题。美国大幅调整国家安全战略牵动了新世纪初国际关系的变化。 美国国家安全战略调整与新保守主义思潮的兴起密切相关。美不少学者认为,随着伊拉克局势的恶化,新保守主义思潮在衰退,对美政府的影响在下降。这到底对美国安全战略将会产生何种影响,我们还需观察。 依赖军事优势“先发制人”,虽可攻城略地,但不会根除威胁,更无法赢得人心,反而会使国际关系紧张,造成世界局势动荡。 在新世纪的国际关系中,实现和平与发展的有利条件和不利条件相互交织,积极因素和消极因素相互转化,形成了一种机遇与挑战对立统一的辩证关系。面对这种复杂局面,国际社会应牢牢抓住和平与发展的时代主题,顺应合作与进步的历史潮流,坚持多边主义,加强国际合作,维护共同安全,实现共同发展。
Readjustment of US national security strategy has been a hot topical issue over the last few years. The substantial readjustment of US national security strategy has led to changes of international relations at the beginning of the new century.
The readjustment of US national security strategy is closed linked to the rise of neo-conservatism in the US. Many US scholars believe that given the deteriorating situation in Iraq, neo-conservative trend of thoughts is receding, and its influence on US government is declining. But how much this development will impact US national security strategy remains a question for exploration.
The doctrine of 'pre-emption', which is based on military superiority, would help attack cities and seize territories. But it would not eradicate threats, nor will it win hearts and minds of other people. Con-trarily, it would increase tensions and cause instability in the world.
For the international relations in the new century, favorable conditions for world peace and stability are interwoven with unfavorable ones, creating a situation where negative factors and positive ones can be mutually transformed and opportunities and challenges constitute a dialectical unity of opposites. Faced with this complicated situation, the international community should firmly grasp the theme of the times of peace and development, conform to the historical trend of the times, uphold multilateralism, strengthen international cooperation and safeguard common security for common development.
International Studies