正甜613母本是通过搜集优质甜玉米材料经过多代自交筛选出来的优质自交系粤科自096,而父本是利用普通玉米材料与超甜玉米自交系杂交后,经6代自交选育的具有抗病、抗倒伏等优良性状的自交系自013。该一代杂种中熟偏早,株型较紧凑,中抗大、小斑病,抗倒伏,商品综合性状优。平均单苞质量300 g,每667 m2产量850 kg。适宜我国玉米主栽地区栽培,已在东南、西南地区进行示范推广6000 hm2。
Zheng Tian 613 is a new super sweet corn F1 hybrid bred by crossing YKZ 096 with Z013. The female parent, YKZ096, is a inbred line developed from the collected materials of high-quality sweet corns, and the male parent, Z013, which is resistant to disease and lodging, was selected from the generation of the hybrid from a common corn and a inbred line of super sweet corn. It has middle-early maturity, good plant shape, high quality, good marketability, resistance to northern leaf blight of corn and southern leaf blight of com and lodging . Its single fruit weigh is 300 g. The yield is 12.75 t · hm-2. It is suitable to be planted in the main com areas of China, and has been demonstrated in south-east and south-west areas in China.
China Vegetables