详细地介绍了实用而又简便易行的皮革封底涂饰及质量控制方法。坯革可润湿性采取滴水读数观察水痕迹法 ,封底成膜树脂的特性通过制膜直观考察。重点讨论了最主要的封底手段阳离子系统 ,以及对涂层牢度影响的本质是降低了机械粘合牢度 ,并首次提出了着色颜料膏中颜料的吸油值大小对阳离子系统封底彩色革颜色艳丽度的影响 ,对牛、猪。
It is introduced in detail that the practical method,which is simple and easy to do,to control coating quality during pre-coating on leather. The wetting of leather in crust was estimated by counting number and watching diffuse trace of water drop. The specific properties of resin used for pre-coating was investigated by making film.The concentrates on cationic resin system using as the main pre-coating method,effecting on coating strength to reduce mechanical bonding strength were described. The brightness and beauty of colored leather by pre-coating with cationic resin system affected by the oil absorption of the pigment was firstly presented.A series of different ways to pre-coat on cattle hide leather,sheep skin leather and pigskin leather is analyzed in detail.
China Leather