对 2 0年来在云贵高原山区进行的难利用草地改良技术进行了总结。划区围栏是控制家畜放牧和草地管理的基础 ,可将载畜量从 3.5个羊单位 /hm2 提高到 7.5个羊单位 /hm2 ;免耕补播要先用畜群 (牛群效果最好 )清除天然植被 ,补播白三叶Trifoliumrepens等豆科牧草 ,待其成苗后再补播鸭茅Dactylisglomera ta等禾本科牧草效果明显 ;施肥以磷肥为主 ,补播初期施钙镁磷肥 750kg/hm2 ,第 3年转为维持施肥 375kg/hm2 ,草地生产力最高 ;轮牧与定牧结合 ,羊群与牛群顺序放牧时 ,草地和家畜的生产性能俱佳。合理地、综合地运用这些技术可提高山区草地的综合效益 。
This paper summarises the techniques used to improve h ill country grassland on the Yungui Plateau over the last 20 years. Subdivision is fundamental to grazing control and grassland management, and has increased st ocking rates from 3.5 to 7.5 sheep units/hm 2. Over-sowing after heavy mob-gr azing to remove previous vegetation (a cattle herd is best), Trifolium repens and other forage legumes first, followed by Dactylis glomenta and other Gr amineae species after legumes have become seedlings, has been proved applicable and suitable in the area. Pasture productivity has been found the highest with P dominated topdressing, applying 750 kg/hm 2 of calcium magnesium phosphate fer tilizer during pasture establishment, and changing to a maintenance level of 375 kg/hm 2 in the third year. Combining rotational and continuous grazing, and se quentially grazing with sheep and cattle, results in good productive performance of both pasture and livestock. Reasonable, integrated application of these tech niques is helpful for the sustainable development of grassland farming on the hi ll country.
Pratacultural Science
国家科委"九五"科技攻关项目 (96 0 16 0 2 0 1)资助