本试验研究了全量基肥前提下四种灌溉制度对小麦品种鲁麦 2 1生长、产量形成和蒸散耗水结构的影响。主要的结果有 :a.从播后不灌水、灌一水、灌两水、到灌四水 ,花前物质向籽粒的转化率、转化量、和对籽粒产量的贡献率均减少 ;b.灌水后对蒸腾和地上部生长有暂时的抑制 ;c.随灌水次数的增加 ,棵间蒸发的增加远大于蒸腾的增加 ;d.蒸发占蒸散的比例在孕穗期前后达到最低 。
The influence of four irrigation schedules on growth, yield composition, and evapo-transpiration of the wheat variety Lumai 21 was studied. The main results are: a) From no irrigation, one irrigation, two irrigations, to four irrigations, the translocation ratio and amount of carbohydrates accumulted before the flowering stage and its relative contribution to grain yield decreased; b) Transpiration and growth were restricted temporarily after irrigation; c) With increase of irrigation, evaporation amount increased much more than transpiration amount; d) The ratio of evaporation/evapotranspiration reached lowest at boot stage, and began to increase after that.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
"十五"国家科技攻关项目 (2 0 0 1BA5 0 7A-0 9-0 4)
北京市科技新星计划 (H0 2 0 82 13 40 13 0 )