美伊战争是美国对中东国家进行民主改造和“先发制人战略”的试验场,也是美国实现其全球霸权的重 要举措。它不仅改变了中东地区的战略格局,也改变了世界的政治格局、能源格局,对我国的政治、经济、军事 和地缘安全产生了深刻而长远的影响。
The Iraq war is a trial of the democracy reform of the United States and getting the drop on Iraq, and speed up to carry out its global strategy. It not only changed the middle east strategy structure and form, but also changes the political structure and form, energy structure and form of the world. Meanwhile, the implement of the American strategy will affect our country security in political, economy, military and geostrategy.
Arab World