宗教的产生、发展和消亡是不依人的意志为转移的客观规律。王中田同志提出宗教是与人类与生俱来的 ,是不会消亡的 ,这种观点是违背马克思主义宗教观的。宗教不是与人类与生俱来的 ,而是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物 ;宗教也不会永远存在下去 ,随着宗教赖以存在的历史条件的消失 ,宗教就必然走向消亡 ;不能把宗教精神与人类精神混为一谈 ,宗教的消亡不等于消灭 ;用行政的手段取缔宗教和断然否定宗教的消亡都是错误的。
The growth,development and withering away of religion is an objective rule not turned with man's will.Com.Wang Zhongtian puts forward that religion comes together with man's society and cannot wither away.Such view point runs counter to Marxist religion outlook.Religion does not come together with man,but is a product while man's society develops to a certain historical stage and cannot exist forever.With the death away of the historic condition on which regilion depends for existence,religion will surely wither away.We cannot confuse religion spirit with man's spirit.It is wrong to ban religion with administrative means and absolutely negate its death away.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition