本文对山东省三所高等职业院校的办学规模、教师队伍、教学设备、课程设置的现状进行了调查分析 ,指出高等职业教育的发展过程 ,是数量、质量、结构、效益四要素相互依存、相互协调的过程 ,只有正确处理四要素及其之间的关系 ,高职教育才能提高它的社会适应性 ,获得持续发展。
Based on the survey and analysis of current situation about scale,staff,facility and courses in three higher vocational colleges in Shandong province,this article points out the development of higher vocational education is a process during which four factors-quantity,quality,structure and benefit-interdepend and intercoordinate.Only handling the relationships among the four factors in a reasonable way,can higher vocational education improve its social adaptability to obtain sustainable development.