本文通过对S.6551《佛说阿弥陀经讲经文》的写作时代的考察,依据史实指出其写作时代当在公元774 年~780年之间(唐代宗时期),正值回纥牟羽可汗(也即登里可汗)执政之时,其作者当是出于唐国与于阗之间的某个西 域国人。
This article has made a careful study of the date of DM S. 6551: a piece of writing of a narrative work on Sutra for public lecture, mainly based in the authentic historic records and has put forward a opinion that the date of this piece of work should be written in the reign of emperor of Daizuof The Tang Dynasty (774 - 780) , it was just the time during the reign of Dengli Khan, the author may come from a state of the Western Regions somewhere between The Empire of The Tang and The Khotan Kingdom.
Dunhuang Research