在中国现代作家中 ,除郁达夫受劳伦斯之深刻影响 ,林语堂也是其中之一。林语堂是劳伦斯的知音 ,这主要表现在 :他很早就清醒认识到劳伦斯“性描写”的价值意义 ,并将它引进自己的小说创作 ;他像劳伦斯一样追求“回归自然” ,从而形成简朴自然的人生观 ;他文笔率真优美、妙喻横生、情感热烈 ,颇似于劳伦斯。当然 ,林语堂毕竟不是劳伦斯 。
Besides Yu Da-fu,Lin Yu-tang is one of the modern writers who was deeply influ e nced by Lawrance.Lin Yu-tang was a person who was deeply appreciative of lawran ce's talents,the main aspects are as follows:he had early realized the significa nce of the sexual description in Lawrance's novels,and used it in his novel;as t he same as Lawrance,Lin Yu-tang seeked'reture to nature',this formed his simp le and natural outlook on life;As same as Lawrance,the styles of Lin Yu-tang's writing are frank,granceful,humorous and enthusiastic.Certainly Lin Yu-tang is not Lawrance after all,this decides that he is unique.
Research of Chinese Literature