《中国传奇》中林语堂对中国古代传奇小说进行了现代阐释 ,他把古代中国对自我的诗意想象融入了现代西方对中国的异族想象中 ,形成了现代视野与历史视野的融合 ,在这“视野融合”里 ,古中国的神秘、浪漫 ,是其美学情调 ,西方的个人主义是其文化核心。林语堂改写古典小说 ,提倡“主观的特性” ,即要在作品中渗透作者对世界、对人生的总体认识和审美思考。他主张小说要表现人性 ,写出人性的深刻和复杂 ,写出人的个性。在小说形式上 ,他突破了传统的建立在因果链基础上的情节模式 ,采用结局性情节与展示性情节并重的情节构建 ,达到故事与人物并重的效果。从《中国传奇》的改写 。
The Chinese traditional cultural is interpreted in modernist survey by Lin Yutan g.There is a fusion of horizons in his Famous Chinese Short Stories.It means the horizon is not only belong to history but also contemporary.In his fusion of ho rizons,there are mysterious and romantic stories which took place in antique chi na,but the individualism of eastern culture is also told in those stories.When L in Yutang retold those stories,he advocates subjective imaginary,human nature an d showing plot.So we could say, Lin has accepted the method of literature.
Research of Chinese Literature