目的 :探讨产后出血原因、内在联系及防治对策。方法 :回顾性分析 1 35例产后出血的出血量、出血原因、防治措施。结果 :单一因素引起产后出血 36例 (2 6 7% ) ,2~5个因素引起 99例 (73 3% )。引起产后出血的因素越多 ,出血量逐渐递增 ,单因素与多因素引起的产后出血量差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5)。 6例发生休克 ,3例行子宫次全切除 ,1例行子宫全切除术 ,1 31例经过综合措施处理 ,出血停止。结论 :产后出血往往是多因素综合作用的结果 ,应采取综合措施及时处理 。
Objective:To investigate the postpartum bleeding causes,in ternal relation and preventive measures.Methods:Retrospective an alysi s of bleeding volume,bleeding causes and prevention and cure measures.Re sults:Among 135 cases of postpartum bleeding,36 cases (26 7%) are cause d by unitary factor while 99 cases(73 3%) result form 2 to 5 factors.There are more factors,the bleeding volume is greater.Therefore, postpartum bleeding volume caused by unitary factor differs statistically form t h at by many factors(p<0 05).Moreover,6 patients had a shock,3 subtotal hysterectomy,1 underwent hysterectomy and the other 131 patients stopped bleedin g after being handled by synthectical measures.Conclusion:The po stpartum bleeding is usually the result of many factors combined effect.S ynthectial measures should be taken to handle immediately.Furthermore,the key to preventing and curing postpartum bleeding lies in the overall control of the pa tients condition.