目的 研制一种抑制鼠类繁殖的不育剂。方法 选择适口性好 ,又有经济实用价值的不育剂进行实验。结果 选择适口性较好的左炔诺孕酮和YY不育剂进行不育实验 ,6个浓度的左炔诺孕酮对大白鼠不育是无效的。而YY不育剂 8组试验无 1只雌鼠怀孕 ,表明YY不育剂对雌大白鼠具有良好的不育作用 ,而且YY不育剂价格比较便宜 ,具有推广价值。结论 应用化学不育剂比传统的毒杀方法更有可能达到防治目的 ,能够更好地抑制鼠类繁殖 。
ObjectiveTo develop a kind o f ch emosterilant for rodents control.MethodsSelecting a cheap che mosterilant with good palatability and having experiment on it.ResultsAfter having the experiment on white rats,levonorgestrel with six conce n tration had little effect on white rats.While YY chemosterilant had good effect on white rats.YY chemosterilant was cheap and should be generalized.Conc lusionRodents chemosterilant could control rodents breeding.It was bet ter than other tradition killing methods.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments