遗产廊道作为文化遗产保护领域的区域化趋势和绿道思想结合的产物 ,不仅强调了遗产保护的文化意义 ,而且强调了其生态价值和经济性。我国有着丰富的线形文化景观遗产 ,但在文化遗产保护体系中还缺少遗产廊道这个层次上的架构 ,这一现状已经严重影响了类似于重要遗产如大运河的保护。在我国建设遗产廊道既是保护众多的线形文化景观遗产的需要 ,也是在快速城市化背景下建设高效和前瞻性的生态基础设施的需要 。
As a mixture of the trend of regionalization in cultural heritage conservation and thoughts on greenway, heritage corridors emp hasize not only cultural significance but also ecological and economical value. Though possessing many cultural heritages with a linear form, China has not any regional conservation framework in its heritage system, which give a great impac t on the conservation of those heritages, including The Great Canal. It is point ed out in the article that the construction of heritage corridor in China is not only the need of conservation ,but also the need of constructing foreseeing an efficient ecological infrastructure and the need of further development of cultu ral tourism. It is also discussed briefly in the article how to plan heritage co rridor in China with the case of The Great Canal in the context of rapid urbaniz ation and the project of South Water to North Transfer.
Urban Problems