The author reported in this paper the complications at taking out foreign bodies in infant bronchus like laryngeal edema, aryngospasm, tension pneumothorax, sudden cessation of respiration and heart beat and pointed out the causes include:(1)Less anesthesia and stimulus of the endoscope or too many times of insertion of the endoscope; (2) Infant laryngeal tissues are tender and soft and the submucosa tissues loose and lack of fibers so that inflammation reaction emerged by foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract; (3) The foreign body forceps cut the bronchus or improper high-frequency positive pressure ventilation; (4) The anesthesia was so superficial that the stimulus to laryngeal trachea produced sudden cessation of respiration from vagoreflection. The nursing measures she put forward included:(1) preoperative preparation of emergency articles and instruments to ensure their behaviors;(2) operative monitoring of heart rate, cardiac rhythm, respiration, blood oxygen saturation; (3) close observation of blood oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide concentration after taking out the foreign bodies; (4) close cooperation of circulating nurses, anesthetists and doctors to raise the success rate of surgery.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing