
基于证书认证机制的公平文件交换协议的算法设计 被引量:3

Analysis on Fair Data Exchange Protocol Based on RSA Algorithm
摘要 在电子商务活动中,进行实时公平的文件交换具有非常重要的意义.本文利用证书认证机制中简单、快速且交换活动脱离等特点,结合RSA算法构造出具备实时公平交换功能的文件交换协议.同时根据测试数据对该协议的各项性能与其它类似协议进行了简要分析.最后提出了可行的协议假定的实现流程. Fair document exchange in real-time plays a key role in e-commerce activities nowadays. This paper presents a fair document exchange protocol that can achieve strong fairness in real-time. Based on RSA algorithm, the protocol is constructed by means of certificate mechanism, which has advantages such as working effectively, simple to implement and separate from exchange activities. Moreover, a brief analysis is provided on the protocol performance compared with other similar protocols. At the end of the paper, a feasible procedure is presented clearly which achieves the assumption of the protocol.
作者 李平
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期66-70,共5页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
关键词 RSA FIDES 公平交换 协议 算法 RAS FIDES fair exchange protocol algorithm
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