目的 :提高心脏病导管介入诊断、治疗水平。方法 :对近年来心脏病介入诊断、治疗工作进行回顾性分析。结果 :各类心脏病介入手术 559例 ,成功 554例 ,成功率 99 1 1 % ,死亡 1例 ,病死率 0 1 8% ,出现并发症 2 8例 ,并发症发生率 5 0 1 % ,主要并发症发生在心脏病介入诊断、治疗工作早期。结论 :高素质的专业队伍 ,先进的设备是提高心脏病介入诊断、治疗水平的前提。心脏病导管介入诊断、治疗手术成功率高 ,为减少并发症发生 ,起搏器皮囊大小应适中 ,大头导管位置应多角度透视确定 ,逐渐增加射频电流 ,冠脉介入应加强防止出血、血肿的发生。
Objective:To improve the level of catheter interventional diagnosis and therapy of heart disease.Methods:The results of catheter interventional diagnosis and therapy of heart disease were analyzed retrospectively.Results:Of 559 patients with heart disease,554 patients were successful(99 ^11%),1 case was death(0 ^18%),28 patients had complications(5 ^01%).Serious complications were occurred in early interventional diagnosis and therapy of heart disease.Conclusions:High quality of professional staff and advanced equipment ate the prerequisite to improve the level of catheter interventional diagnosis and therapy of heart disease.In order to reduce complication,the size of pacemakers bag must be suitable,the position of ablation catheter must be accurate,the energy of radio frequency ablation must be gradually increased,percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)must prevent hemorrhage and haematoma.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry