叶赫影视城青铜时代晚期遗址位于吉林省梨树县叶赫镇转山湖水库东北一座平顶山上。 1995年梨树县文物管理所有关人员对其进行了抢救性的清理 ,发现一批重要的文物 ,有鬲、豆、罐、杯等 ,其文化特征与西团山文化相似 ,年代约在春秋战国 ,下限可能已进入汉代。
The Yehe site is distributed on a mountain top at Zhuanshan Reservoir,Lishu,Jilin.In 1995,an emergency excavation was done by the office for the preservation of ancient monuments,Lishu.A lot of important cultural relics,such as li tripod,dou stemmed vessel,pot and bowl were found here.The nature of the culture is similar with the Xituanshan Cluture,and it is dated to the Spring and Autumn,Warring States Periods-Han Dynasty.
Northern Cultural Relics