研究全新放射增敏剂——磺酰胺取代的咪唑化合物(化学名:简称 SIM)在细胞水平和动物水平的放射增敏作用。离体研究采用体外细胞克隆培养法观察不同浓度 SIM 对乏氧状态下的 V79 细胞的放射增敏效应。整体研究选取荷 Lewis 肺癌 C57BL 小鼠,腹腔注射不同剂量的 SIM 且 2h 后给予 10Gy 的局部照射,观察小鼠的肿瘤体积的变化。结果表明,SIM 对 V79 细胞呈较明显的增敏效应,增敏比为 1.12—1.81。给药照射组的肿瘤相对生长速率明显减慢。研究提示是一个新型的放射增敏剂。
The object of this work is to study the radiation sensitizing effect of suifonamide imizole in vitro and in vivo. In vitro radiosensitizing ability was estimated using V79 cells under hypoxia condition. Results show that SIM has radiosensitizing effect in vitro on Chinese hamster V79 cells and the SER value ranged from 1.12 to 1.81. In vivo radiosensitizing ability was estimated using C57BL mice bearing Lewis lung cancer. Different concentrations of drug were administered i.p. and local irradiation of 10Gy with137Cs γ-ray was given at 2h after administration. Tumor growth was observed for 20days and the tumor volume was measured every 2days. Results show that the tumor growth was suppressed after the treatment in the irradiated groups with SIM. The study indicates that SIM is a novel radiosensitizer.
Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing
国家 863 计划课题(2002AA2Z3104)