Bacterial contamination is observed as faint clouds in the medium after repeated subculture periodof mini-rose micropropagation system. The contaminants are purified and identified as two different kinds ofGram-negative and one kind of Gram-positive rod bacteria. The two antibiotics, ampicillin and kanamycinsulphate which concentrations are respectively 50~150 mg.L-1 and 25~100 mg.L- 1 are used in the culture media.The result shows that ampicillin has bacteriostatic effect on contaminants and that the effect on adventitious-bud differentiation of contaminated plants after the treatments of different ampicillins concentrations has alsono evident difference as that of normal plants and the treatment concentration (50 mg.L-1) greatly advances theroot formation rate of the contaminated plantlets. The treatments of different concentrations of kanamycinsulphate well kill the contaminants and have phytotoxic influence on the contaminated plantlets, which leaves,shoots and stems turn yellow. They have also greatly reduced adventitious-bud differentiation and their rootformation rate.
Plant Physiology Communications