
光学电流传感器的实现方案及其现状 被引量:8

Schemes and Present Status of Optical Current Sensor
摘要 介绍了光学电流传感器的实现原理,各种光学电流传感器的实现方案及其各自的优缺点,同时提 出目前影响光学电流传感器商用化的几个问题及其相应的解决措施。 The theory of optical current sensor was introduced and its technology and devl-opment were reviewed. Several different methods to realize it were introduced. Comparison between these methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages was presented. Furthermore, the current problem for practical use were also summarized in this paper.
作者 许玲 惠小丽
出处 《光电子技术与信息》 2004年第1期39-43,共5页 Optoelectronic Technology & Information
关键词 光学电流传感器 法拉第效应 Sagnac干涉型电流传感 电流测量 optical current sensor Faraday effect Sagnac interferometer current sensor current measurement
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