近年来,盲均衡在通信和信号处理领域已受到普遍关注.归一化常数模算法(the normalized constant modulus algorithm, NCMA)是盲均衡算法的一种,它不同于其他算法,采用线性评价函数,对它的研究比较少.在研究NCMA盲均衡算法及改进后算法的基础上,对该算法及改进后算法进行了模拟仿真;并对改进后的NCMA算法和其他盲均衡算法进行了比较,从3个方面对其性能进行分析;结果充分显示了NCMA算法的优点,证明改进后的算法更具优越性.
In recent years, blind equalization plays an important role in the field of communication and signal processing. NCMA(normalized constant modulus algorithm) is among the modified blind equalization. It is different from other algorithms, for using linear evaluating function. On the basis of researching the NCMA and modified algorithm, we simulate the algorithm. Comparing the NCMA and modified algorithm with other blind equalization algorithms, we analyse its performances from three aspects. It well displays the advantages of NCMA, and proves that the modified algorithm can work better.
Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology