故宫风波着实让星巴克火了一把。试想,美国的咖啡竟摆进了神圣的三大殿旁,岂能不引起国内媒体关注?然而随着时间的推移,经济全球化已成为历史潮流,我国也入世在即,回首去年的“风波”,真是恍如隔世,令人感叹时间的力量。 认识李总早在“故宫风波”之前,几次想要采访,他都请记者先去品尝星巴克的咖啡。于是,在北京一家家幽雅的星巴克连锁店里品尝一杯杯令人怦然心动的咖啡,品尝中,记者认识了星巴克,也走近了李总。(李:李富强;记:记者)
World-famous coffee chain, Starbucks, is penetrating into the China market at a steady rate. Its strategy, differentiated from that of fast food stores such as McDonald's and Kentucky, is to keep the establishment running at a relatively slower pace. Another strategy: Point of sale should be carefully spotted to meet demands of the young target group.
China Food Industry