随着我国饮料业发展的稳步上扬,加上申奥的成功,食品和饮料行业拥有着巨大的发展空间。根据国家统计局1999年的数据显示,我国的批发、零售、食品和饮料行业为国家创造高达6,842.3亿元人民币,占国民生产总值的8.4%,最为骄人的是,此行业总收入只仅次于制造业和农业而成为生产总值的第三位。 此外,批发、零售、食品和饮料行业对大城市的经济冲击更甚。对于北京、天津、上海和武汉等大城市。
The wholesale, retail, and food and beverage sector's contributions to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment and government revenues are among the top three in the country's 16 major sectors. As Chinese become more aware on the quality and hygiene of bottled drinks, new cap technologies have been developed to cope with their need. Among these innovations and breakthroughs is the latest tamper-evident twist cap.
China Food Industry