据悉、古越龙山沼兴酒股份有限公司与鲁迅家族达成协议,以鲁讯长孙周令飞的名义,向国家商标局申请注册“鲁迅酒”商标,然后再授权“古越龙山”使用,然而,今年8月9日,国家工商总司以“名人商标是特殊商标,要考虑社会影响”为由,将此申请初审予以驳回。 另悉,“鲁迅酒”商标被驳回后,周令飞表示周家将继续申请,同时不排除在境外申请的可能。
Zhejiang Gu Yue Long Shang Shaoxing Wine Co., Ltd., the famous Shaoxing wine company, had intended to use the name of Luxun, the late well-known Chinese author, as the brand of their products. The authority, however, rejected the registration application. On the other hand, food manufacturers in China complain that the cost of selling their products at shops is getting higher, forcing them to pass on the difference to consumers.
China Food Industry