无产阶级革命家经过不断探索 ,到邓小平提出了社会主义本质论。江泽民同志在新的国际国内环境下提出了“三个代表”的论述。“三个代表”体现了社会主义的本质 ,与社会主义本质论构成一个有机的整体。“三个代表”有利于人们更清楚地认识社会主义的本质 。
Following the long-term strusgle of proletarian revolutionists, Deng Xiaoping put forward a series of views on socialism and its nature. Comrade Jiang Zeming,under new socialism circumstances,gives birth to the views of “Three Representatives”,which cleans and cleverly interpret nature and form into a complete system.“Three Representatives”make it much easier to realize the sociatistic nature and better to meet the demands for the true socialism in recent conditions.
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College