The aluminous deposits in China are mainly distributed in Shanxi province, Shandong province, Henan province, Guizhou province, Guangzi province, and Yunnan province of ages of late Paleozoic and Cenozoic. According to stratigraphic positions of 21 aluminous deposits it seems that the aluminous deposits in China can be classified into 6 types as inter-system marine facies,inter-system continental facies, intra-system marine facies, intra-system continental facies, weathering red earth and weathering accumlation types. But in terms of deposition enviroments four types are distinguished: marine facies, continental facies,red earth facies and weathering accumulation facies.The tectonic enviroments for deposition of aluminous ores are firstly the depressions on margins of paraplatforms or margins of front basins cn Paleo-continents, and secondly the littoral-lagocns developed on the erosicn surfa-ces of Karstified carbonates.The sources of aluminium might come either from the re-deposition of calcic rcd earth derived frcm carbonates cr from the erosicn of adjacent aluminosilicate rocks.
aluminous deposits, age stratigraphic position, types and genetic en-viroment