特种越野汽车的传动系结构复杂 ,是一个动力传递与分配网络 ,其传动方案设计的好坏直接影响整车的越野机动性、动力性、经济性等性能。本文对特种越野汽车传动系的方案设计进行了研究 ,将传动系方案设计分解为拓扑结构设计和参数设计及最佳匹配两个层次 ,通过 PTG图自动生成算法和产品可视化建模技术 ,较好地解决了传动系方案的计算机辅助设计问题。
The driveline system of special-duty off-road vehicle is very complex, which comprise a power delivery and distribution network. It determines the performances of the vehicle, especially its mobility, dynamics and economics. We present a conceptual design method of driveline for special-duty off-road vehicle. In order to simplify the design, the conceptual design is decomposed into driveline topological structure design and parameters optimal matching. With the help of PTG(power transfer graph) algorithm and product visualization conceptual model technology,the problem of computer aided design(CAD) for driveline conceptual design is solved.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering