鉴于中国人关于具体、具象思维的特点 ,从翻译实践走向翻译理论的归纳方法似乎比较符合中国人的惯常思维方式。笔者从一般法规文件的英译为例 ,说明从不同译文的对比之中可以轻而易举地挖掘出大量的翻译规则与技巧。而另一方面 ,宏观译论虽有一定的解释能力 ,但由于缺乏针对性 ,用其指导实践是不太可行的。
Since Chinese tend to think in concrete images, the inductive development from translation practice to translation theory seems to be in conformity with the normal Chinese way of thinking. This author uses a Chinese legal document and the two English versions to illustrate that with little effort one can derive many useful translation techniques from these translations. On the other hand, macro translation theories, though somewhat powerful in explaining translation phenomena, are often less specific, thus making the deductive route from theory to practice more arduous. [
Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology