介绍了一个基于Web的分公司电梯远程监测系统的实现技术。该系统采用基于B/S(Browser/Server)的3层体系结构的Web模型,以Windows 2000 Server为服务器平台,以SQL Server为数据库后台,应用ASP技术、CSS技术、ActiveX控件等实现了对分公司所属电梯的实时监测以及其它监测分析功能。
A remote elevator monitoring system is presented based on the web. This system is structured by the web model, which has three layers and is base on the B/S form, and uses windows 2000 server as its server platform, and uses SQL server as its database platform. With ASP technology, CSS technology and activeX controllers, it realizes the real-time monitoring function and other monitoring & analysis functions on the elevators.
Computer Engineering and Design