目的 分析监测区传染病报告发病率与全省疫情报告发病率的一致性 ,评价浙江省卫生监测区样本地区抽样设计的合理性。方法 利用 1991~ 2 0 0 0年疫情资料分别统计监测区与全省疫情的总报告发病率和分疾病系统、分地区类别的报告发病率 ,进行相关分析。结果 监测区传染病总报告发病率高于全省疫情 13 65 % ,两个系统传染病报告发病率呈相关关系 (r=0 963 7t=10 2 1p <0 0 1) ;除二类农村外 ,其余 4类地区监测区所得的报告发病率分别高于全省疫情 8 18%、 2 0 5 3 %、 3 2 2 %、 7 70 % ,相关系数分别为0 8664、 0 92 93、 0 8866、 0 9896,具有很强的相关性 ;肠道、血源与性传播传染病监测结果 :监测区年均报告发病率高于大疫情 12 83 %、 16 46% ,具有很强相关性。结论 监测区监测结果与全省结果一致 ,卫生监测区地区样本抽样设计是合理的。
Objective By analyzing the consistency between the reported incidence rate of infectious diseases from surveillance areas and that from whole province, to evaluate the sampling rationality.Methods Utilizing the statistical data of the epidemic situation from 1991 to 2000, the total reported incidence rates and the separate reported incidence rates according to disease involving system or diseases'classification or region were counted to processing correlation analysis between the data from surveillance areas and the data from whole province. Results The total reported incidence rate from surveillance areas was 13.65% higher than that from whole province epidemic report. There was significant correlation between the data obtained by two approaches. Except the second-class areas(countryside).The reported incidence rates from the other four classes of surveillance areas were 8.18%, 20.53%, 3.22% and 7.70%,which were higher than those from whole province epidemic surveillance reports respectively, but there was strong correlation between them of the surveillance areas and the whole province, respectively, and the correlation coefficients were 0.8664,0.9293,0.8866 and 0.9896 respectively.The annual average reported incidence rate of infectious diseases transmitted by intestine,and blood or sex were 12.83% and 16.46% higher than that of whole province report,and strong correlation also existed.Conclusions The data from surveillance areas is consistent with that from whole province epidemic report,and the sampled area for public health surveillance is rational.
Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine