我们的祖先依靠自己的生活经验并根据不同使用要求 ,创造出与之相适应的具有不同功能的陶瓷饮食用器。本篇论文根据对我国不同时期的陶瓷饮食用器的研究分析总结出 :饮食生活的需要是中国传统陶瓷饮食用器产生的根本原因 ;生活水平的提高与饮食方式的改变促进其不断发展 ;科学技术的进步是发展的客观物质条件 ,文化的发展和审美意识的转变为同种功能的中国传统陶瓷饮食用器提出了不同的解决方案。对传统陶瓷饮食用器应用的进一步深入研究 ,将有助于使我国目前陶瓷饮食用器设计更加合理 ,品种更加丰富 。
Our ancestors developed different kinds of ceramic tableware with vario us functions. These developments were based on the experiences and necessities o f life, including all activities of eating and drinking. A lot of perfect art wo rks that deserve our learning and research have been handed down, the analysis o f which tells us that the need for eating and drinking is the fundamental reason to yield Chinese classic ceramic tableware. Improvement of the living level and changes of ways of eating and drinking promote the ceramic development, with sc ientific progress as its physical condition. Cultural and aesthetic changes also offer alternative solutions to the Chinese classic ceramic tableware, further s tudies of which will promote the production of ceramic utensils more reasonable in design and richer in kinds, which, in turn, will meet the need of our materia l and cultural life.
Literature & Art Studies