20 0 3年 11月 2日 ,本刊编辑部与首都师范大学文学院在北京联合召开“日常生活审美化与文艺学美学学科反思”研讨会 ,与会学者就我国文艺学美学学科的研究现状、问题及未来发展等进行了广泛讨论。本组关于当代文艺学学科反思的论文即在会议讨论基础上编辑而成 。
From the beginning of 1990s, literary theory in China has turned to the cultural context of literature. Influenced by the Frankfurt school, literary th eory research seems to turn to cultural criticism. A query thereupon follows: is cultural criticism an authentically academic research? According to the samples , cultural criticism often appears to assume a kind of antagonistic manner or pu bic opinions, which may result in lack of scientific and positive analysis, and therefore, in the declination of academic research in literary theory. Wherefore , a return to intellectual research based on realistic concern and academic cons cience is needed.
Literature & Art Studies