宪法是国内法中具有最高法律效力的法规范 ,宪法在社会中的实现程度是衡量该国法治发达程度的标准。基本权利是宪法规范体系中最重要的部分 ,因此 ,宪法效力的最高性的关键就在于基本权利是否得到充分的保障和贯彻。要确保基本权利得到充分贯彻就必须设计一个救济制度 ,使得公民在其基本权利受到来自国家和社会势力的侵害时 ,都有权获得救济。
The constitution is a legal norm with the highest legal effect in domestic laws. The realization degree of constitution in society is a standard of judging the developing degree of constitutionality. The basic rights are the most important parts of the constitution norms system. So, the supreme force of constitution lies in whether the basic rights are fully safeguarded and implemented. In order to ensure the basic rights being fully implemented, a relief system should be designed so that when the basic rights are infringed by the state or social force, a citizen can be remedied.
Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)